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C's Dilemma

2020,Jun 30|10:00 AM
Vipin Chaudhary
Today I have a tail of three neighbours for you, incidentally it’s the very first story that ever published on BleedBlue. We’ve made a few modifications too keep it relevant . You'll enjoy reading this. It's entitled
C's Dilemma

It was time when our beloved neighbour Mr C had traumatized the whole world with a non-sense Virus, that too when even he himself didn’t have the Antivirus to his own bug.
But he wasn’t satisfied with that only. So he figured out a new game to play along.. Well it appeared he had been playing this game since long having already beating up T and HK and there was going to be a new entrant in his list, Yes it was Mr P.
But probably my dear friend didn't know that People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones at others", and that wasn’t going to last long in his self invented game.
Why? Because he messed with the wrong guy.
Think Otherwise? Let us know.
Allow me to tell another interesting story to you of that time, in case you missed it somehow. You all might be aware of Mr P, Mr C's chattel and our western neighbour. One fine day, they mistook their Pigeon for their Neighbour's Nighthawk and quite natural blacked out of fear.
Isn't it, good? Shouldn't this fear go on? This was the story of Mr P but Mr C was too going to realize this terror very soon.

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